- Libertarian Fmr. Del. Buckley Reacts to WV Senate Debate

News Article

Clay Center, Charleston, WV - Fmr. Del. John Buckley, Libertarian candidate for WV Senate, called tonight's senate debate "a boring, waste of time."

Buckley noted that neither Capito nor Tenant said one word about "the massive intrusion and invasion of civil liberties and privacy by the NSA's spying on the phone calls and emails of regular Americans."

"Very little ground was broken and I believe the public has been misled to believe that the two major party candidates offer any hope for progress in West Virginia."

"The two candidates even dressed alike, in "power red,' befitting their status as candidates of mere rival gangs each seeking power in Washington, D.C. at the expense of the average citizen.

Buckley added, however:

"I was surprised that the supposedly conservative Capito came out in favor of a higher federal minimum wage and higher social security payroll taxes on hard-working Americans."

"It surprised me when Congresswoman Capito critiqued the job performance of Sec. Tennant, with the comment that before a person gets hired for a new job, she sould be judged on her performance in her current job."

"By that standard, I would ask voters to judge Congresswoman Capito on her 14 year job in Congress:

For instance, Congresswoman, "how has your performance been in reducing the massive federal debt that's such a drag on our economy?'"

Buckley also noted that both candidates favor the pro-abortion rights Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision whereas he's a pro-life Libertarian.

In conclusion, Buckley averred: "The sponsors of this non-debate did a disservice to the voters of West Virginia by exclusion all other candidates from the debate."
